What are the chances I'll get type 2 diabetes?
2018-01-18 20:44:13 UTC
my dad has pre-diabetes, all his siblings are diabetic and his father was diabetic as well. No one on my mom's side has diabetes. Im relatively healthy (i know weight often doesnt matter but im 19, 5'5 and 120 lbs. I dont really exercise that much but i am planning to start doing it more. I dont eat a lot of junk food but im super picky so I dont always eat the healthiest that I can).
im just a little scared right now after reading a bit about statistics and want to see if anyone might have an idea of what my odds are exactly

Eight answers:
2018-01-21 06:46:38 UTC
Just don't be Obese and you should be good.
2018-01-19 19:22:35 UTC
Just stick to healthy eating and exercise and hope you don't get type 2 diabetes, I am type 2 and I had a reasonable diet and avoided most meats and junk food because of gallstones for over 30 years and no one in my family is diabetic but several years ago I was diagnosed as type 2 diabetic and I was not overweight but I reckon it was due to lack of exercise or maybe just bad luck?
magic kid
2018-01-19 10:19:46 UTC
Life is not a joke and I am tired of people giving flawed science and bad advice on here.

I also have family members and friends suffering from diet related diseases. It breaks my heart when people like Kano, and Andy c spread lies and Bs science, they tell people saturated fats are good for the brain, and it is good to eat 4 tablespoons of coconut oil a day. Madness!

Do me a favor, take the time to read over my points and sources.

When researching science there are rules that have to be followed.

Evidence based science/studies have to have a sound structure and design. you need the right population, data collection methods, study plan, like dietary change and interventions, control and so on.

If you happen to find science that contradicts mine, we can have a discussion about how they achieved those results.

The links I have provided direct to a non profit website, with zero adverts. They also direct you to actual evidence based, non biased, non industry funded, peer reviewed science.

I used to be 40kg heavier, I was inactive, I was also a picky eater, I ate lots of high animal protein, and fat meals like chicken wings, meat pies, and cheese.

I have a family history of diabetes, and no surprise, I was pre diabetic.

Now i am stronger than ever, i eat 300g of brown rice in some meals, and no longer at risk of diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is a condition of fat toxicity. Humans are naturally lean and mobile creatures, our practices and lifestyles today promote death and disease, diabetes included.

We should be active everyday, and make the effort to maintain a lower fat percentage, and increased muscle mass. The more muscle we have, the more mitochondria we have, This increased capacity to store and metabolize glycogen and glucose reduces your risk of diabetes.

Reduced insulin sensitivity is when you have too much fat built up in your cells, as Glucose starts finding it harder to enter your cells, your pancreas decides to pump out more insulin, unfortunately increasing levels of insulin does not resolve the issue..

*why can't glucose enter the cell*

The pancreas is trying its best to save you, your liver and other organs. This horrible cycle induces fatigue.

If that wasn't bad enough. Saturated fats actively destroy the insulin producing beta cells in your pancreas, further worsening the condition.

Please listen to me very carefully. Type 2 diabetes can be prevented, and reversed via diet and nutrition. You and your father can return to normal health.

Every honest health body agrees, reducing cholesterol, saturated and trans fats. and increasing fiber, and healthy plant foods, is the best way to reverse diabetes.

Do not fear plant based carbs, our primary energy pathway utilizes glucose. the condition of diabetes is not that glucose is innately bad for us, our bodies need it, and want it in our cells. It just should not be trapped in our blood, same with salt, and co2.

High fat foods disguised or mistaken as high carb foods such as, pizza, cookies, and donuts.. are obviously bad for health.

refined sugars are bad i know. sugars from fruit are great! do not fear mango, fear bacon lol.

Stick to whole plant foods like: yams, plantain, brown rice, bean/peas/legumes, lentils, quinoa, oats, barley, wholewheat pasta/cous cous, sweet potatoes, parsnips, cassava, leafy greens, veggies and fruits!

Get your healthy oils from Avocados, nuts like walnuts, and seeds like flax, chia and pumkin.

These foods are great for you and in the right combos form almost any meal you can think off.

they provide: phytonutrients, antioxidants, fiber, vitamins and minerals. these foods also helps control cholesterol levels, reduce inflammation, improve blood flow, feed good gut bacteria and prevent against cancer.

since they are high in water and fiber content, they will keep you feeling full for longer.

The fiber and phytonutrients actively help control glucose levels in our blood,
2018-01-19 00:33:51 UTC
Your diet is what will determine if you get diabetes or not. genetic factors much less so, hand me down eating habits are often why type 2 runs in families.

Eating a lot of refined carbohydrates will certainly get you to pre-diabetic.

Garry is wrong the high insulin levels of type 2 diabetics is what leads to obesity, not the other way around.

Stay away from sugar and refined carbohydrates and you will be fine.
2018-01-18 22:46:35 UTC
With so many diabetic relatives, there is certainly a genetic trait in the family for diabetes. This greatly increases your risk factors.

Ignore Gary. He seems to believe that being obese is the only reason someone develops diabetes. With a strong genetic factor, you could be a healthy body weight and still develop type 2 diabetes.

Since you have healthy genetics from the other side of the family, you might never develop it. But, since you know you have the genetic risk, you certainly should be educating yourself and getting annual check ups.

Yahoo answers is NOT typically a good source for finding out the right way to reduce your risks. Talk with a doctor and maybe a dietitian about eating healthy to reduce the risks of type 2. Taking the right action early might prevent or at least delay developing type 2.
Gary B
2018-01-18 21:07:22 UTC
about 50%

In teh case of Type 2 Diabetes, weight is EXTREMLEY IMPORTANT. Being overweight is THE CAUSE of Type 2 Diabetes! The more oeverweight youa re, the greater you chances that yu WILL ghet Diabetes.

But you have a SERIOUS Familyu Medical History, and YOU need to watch out!

1) Go to your doctor and ASK what the "ideal weight" for you is.

2) Have the doctor ACCURATEL:Y weeight you.

3) ASk your doc tro for the A1C Blood Test. The bl;ood test can tell you YEARS ahead of time if youa re getting diabetes (pre-diabetes)

4) ASk you doctro to refer youi to a good NUTRITION ISTto help you plan better meals.

Now, go do it. Stop this sissified "I'm picky" bullsh*t. "Picky" is not a disease, it is stupidity, and YOU LET IT HAPPEN. Remember,Tyep2 2 Diabetes CAN be beaten (actualyl, prevented) with a diet that is so0lidy nutritious AND low-calorie.

But let the doctro tell you how many calories to eat, and DO N OT eat less than 1500 calories a day unl;es instructed by teh doctor.
2018-01-18 20:52:28 UTC

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Andy C
2018-01-18 20:46:11 UTC
99% if you continue to eat like you do and given time.

Diabetes II is a metabolic disorder brought on by the consumption of too much fructose.

Sugar, etc is the largest reason for this.

I can explain why, but you'd need a background in biology and chemistry.

Fructose causes overeating and the graduate breakdown of the body, organ by organ.

Your DNA determines which organ goes first.

When the pancreas starts to die, we erroneously call that diabetes II.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.