Too much blood, or not enough, also she probably has something on her hands. She needs to wash and dry her hands before each test.
Even hand lotion or soap can throw it off because they sometimes contain sugar or alcohol.
Also, if she uses an alcohol swab before testing, she must wait for all the alcohol to dry first.
She should NOT drag her finger over the strip. She's supposed to let the test strip touch the drop of blood at an angle and suck the blood up. It has to be the right part of the strip too.
It sounds like her technique needs work and she's probably forcing too much blood into the strip. Tell her the strip needs to be given time to suck up as much blood as it needs and no more. She shouldn't drag it across, she shouldn't be moving it at all. Read the manual and study the pictures and you'll see the difference.
Ask the company for some testing solution to check the accuracy or your test strips too. Its usually free from the manufacturer. Test it yourself and follow the directions exactly.
See if you can get a diabetes nurse educator to watch her do a few tests too.
Some meters depend on light to take the reading and moving them while the meter is working can throw them off.
If better technique doesn't work, maybe you should try a different brand. I use the Freestyle and its been very reliable.