My friend is suffering from impared glucose tolerance from the last year, the doctors have not advised him any diabetes medicine. His choletreol, triglyceridesand Blood pressure were high, the doctor advised him LOPRIN, TRITACE and LIPIGET. He is on these medicines from the year, After six months started to happen , there was lot of gas in the stomach, the moment he eats something he feels like going in the washroom. His total stomach system is upset.(He takes Lomotil when stomach upset) ,He walks (briskly) for half hour, after dinner since he was diagnosed with IGT, stopped taking sugar items, eats a small cup of oatmeal in the morning, at an apple in between breakfast and lunch, in the lunch eats a chappatti and a piece of fish/chicken , eats an apple in between luch and dinner, eats small quantity of rice and some vegetable/chicken/mutton curry, a cup of milkwith wheat biscuit (bedtime)
His fasting blood glucose is the range 80 to 110,HbA1C is 5.5.
Plz help him, what to do?