2010-06-06 23:35:21 UTC
I majorly binge ate today like 4000 calories or so... To all of those out there who are thinking about binging on your favorite foods.. don't do it, cuz OMG i didn't know that 3 chocolate bars could taste so awful.. first and second tasted great, and then my third one was GROSS haha it's almost funny cuz chocolate is my favorite food.. i don't want chocolate for another month -_- it feels AWFULLL eww.. i was forcing food inside me i don't even know why, guess it was because i was restricting foods for a while.. i have read that restricting is not good and now i know why.
So i'm not going to starve myself tomorrow, but eat like 900 calories. Is that okay?
and then for the next day, someone said eat like 1800 calories and then eat like 900 calories the next day again.. apparently this is something called calorie-cycling,
and apparently it helps to lose weight by keeping your metabolism confused.
is this right? should i follow this?
OMG binge eating feels SO BADD and i never knew :S i will NEVER do it again.
i realized. just eat until your full. That's all you need to do on a diet.
never restrict, eat what you want, but until you're moderately full..
wow.. it could never have been easier.
any comments will be helpful
and if anyone has used the calorie-shifting diet and it has worked.
thanks a lot guys!