Normal glucose levels in a non-diabetic are between 70 and 126 mg/dL. Some doctors, however, believe that anything between 110 and 125 indicates pre-diabetes.
Your fasting blood sugar levels do, actually, indicate that you are diabetic. (It's normally taken that two or more fasting blood sugar levels above 126 indicate diabetes.)
Having said that, you probably already know that being overweight puts incredible stresses on the body. It also compounds the situation whereby you become insulin resistant. To combat this, you really do need to lose weight, start eating healthily, and take more exercise. This was the guidance offered to diabetics in years gone by, and it still holds true today.
Your doctor may well want to start you on one or more types of tablet(s) tomorrow, but this could be a short-lived event, particularly if you are able to bring your blood sugar levels back down to 'normal'.
The best advice I can offer is for you to be guided by your doctor. If s/he says that they want to try you on certain medications, ask them questions about how they work and why they're being prescribed. Also ask if there's a chance that the medication can be reviewed in a few months time ... when you've lost some weight, taken up exercise, and started eating more healthily. (Do please do all of those things. Believe me, diabetes, is not to be messed around with. Nasty things can happen to your body if you don't look after it. There are several complications that can happen in uncontrolled diabetes.)
I wish you the very best of luck for tomorrow's doctor's appointment.
Oh yes, ask your doctor for a referral to see a registered dietitian. S/he will advise you on the types of foods to eat more of, and those to avoid.