Ok I'm not type 1, but I can really sympathize with the frustration for type 1s.
I can remember when hardly anybody knew about type 2 and assumed that all diabetics were insulin dependant and ready to die any day. We had home meters by then, so it's not like it was 1920 or something.
I remember too when type 2s used to get pissy about there not being separate magazines for the different types and not wanting to waste their money on articles that 'didn't apply to them'. They couldn't care less about insulins or syringes, and complained often about diabetic recipies with sugar in them. Times change. Quite a few type 2s also take insulin now, and boy do they want to know more.
I've even had people tell me my doctor is wrong about me being a type 2 because I take insulin. They have zero medical education and want me to take their word over the endocrinologist because they 'know' about diabetes.
With all the media attention on type 2 these days, not many people really understand that there are differences, and there are similarities too. Some people even seem to think type 1 is some kind of newly discovered type of diabetes (I know one person who thinks type 1 is caused by taking insulin and insurance should stop paying for it,after all, in her opinion, people can loose weight other ways). Makes you want to go bang a head on a wall, trouble is, deciding whose head (yours or theirs).
I even ran into a lady who insists that all diabetics are allergic to sugar and just need antihistamines.
I don't typically answers questions concerning type 1 where the differences are important (like how to figure insulin for a meal) since I don't have any direct experience with that (I know a little bit about it, but hardly enough).. Still, it amazes me how many people advise noninsulin type 2s to adjust their insulin for every meal or look into getting a pump (makes me believe those people don't have either type or they'd know why the answers are wrong).
Worse are those who assume that because their doctor has them on a certain medication or insulin dose, that all diabetics should be on it too and if not they should sue their doctos for not doing their job.
I suppose there are similar frustrations in every health problem.