Diabetic Friend Need Help Now Please!!!?
2007-03-24 21:50:13 UTC
Ok so heres the story shes been drinking and shes a type 1 diabetic.I tested her blood and its extremly high and i gave her what i believe was the correct insulin according to the math set up she gave me.She really tired and has fallen asleep could be from alchol or because its 12:50 in the mornig i dunno.and she went to the bath room quite often (could be from alchol) and complained about really dry mouth and wanted water.water was given.Im extremly worried because i have no experience with this.I dont know if i should wait it off or do something else what??am i over reacting ?Someone please help me.Asap
Sixteen answers:
2007-03-24 22:02:40 UTC
Call an ambulance!

Especially if you can not rouse/wake her.

Please keep in mind that most alcohol mixes are made up with regular soft drinks, and alcohol can do two things to the blood, the sugar in the alcohol can increase the blood sugar levels, but the alcohol can depress the blood sugars, causing a hypo-glycemia low blood sugars.

Has she had a meal before starting to drink?

Why did you give her any medication?

Was it insulin or a glycogen (sugar) shot?

If she was unwell enough to ask you to give her it, then you should have called an ambulance, and follow what they tell you.

I hope she will be ok.
2016-09-15 13:02:37 UTC
2007-03-24 22:11:50 UTC
This is too complicated for you to deal with and potentially risky if you are not familiar with Type 1 diabetes and her specific care.

The problem is that some alcohol can cause high blood sugar initially (beer, carb containing coolers, etc.), but it can also cause low blood sugar as well. Usually this crash happens much later. Alcohol will also make her much more sensitive to her injected insulin, and she will probably need less to bring down a high. She may be at risk of severe low blood sugar if she has been drinking a lot and you have given her a "regular" correction dose.

DO NOT let her "sleep it off".This is how Type 1 diabetics have died. I don't mean to scare you, but this really *can* happen. But it doesn't have to. You are a good friend and you are right to be concerned. You need to call her parents, or at the very least, keep checking her blood sugar every hour to make sure she is in a safe range. Wake her up for a snack if needed. It is better to let her run a little high than low for tonight. Check to see if she has glucose gel on hand to rub in her cheeks if her blood sugar is low and you can't wake her up. If this is the case, and/or her blood sugar is extremely out of range, you need to call 911 ASAP. You need to be safe and not sorry. She may need to monitored in the ER overnight until she sobers up.

Note: Even if she has shown you how to use a GLUGAGON pen (used to help diabetics having a low blood sugar coma), this WILL NOT WORK if she has been drinking. She will need IV glucose. Call 911.

UPDATE: Please have her eat a snack RIGHT NOW, especially if she has dropped very fast. Make her something with carbs and protein, like a peanut butter sandwich. You can give her half of the sandwich if her blood sugar is still somewhat high. She might not need a full one, but as I said, it's better to be a bit high in this case to prevent a severe low. Test her again in an hour. If you can post her test results, that will help. There is a very good chance she could drop low. Watch for that and do not leave her. Once most of the fast acting insulin from her last injection has been used up (usually 4 hours) and/or she is in a good but a bit higher than normal range and had a snack, then she will proabably be ok.

If she is low, good treatments that go down easy are:

-Regular (NOT diet) pop

-Juice with sugar added


-Cake frosting
Curtis B
2007-03-24 23:14:17 UTC
Hello, I am Diabetic and I've been in this situation a few times.

Diabetics shouldn't drink, In fact high blood sugar isn't the major problem. It's going into a low because the liver has a harder time taking in the alcohol.

Now, I enjoy a few drinks now and then, so I cannot say not to drink :P

Your friend is going back and forth to the bathroom *assuming* to pee because of the high blood sugar.

Your friend is also asking for water because this is also a symptom of high blood sugars.

Depending on how long you've been checking her blood sugar you should continue to check every 15 Min's until her blood is stable within her "safe zone" everyone is different.

My blood sugars are considered stable in the *4-8* range.

Just ask her what her blood sugars should be, once they've reached there, test a few more times every 15 Min's to make sure they are stable and you should be fine, depending on how much Insulin you gave her :S

Check this website

And you can see the information laid out in a simple manner and other quick resources.

Bran din.
2007-03-24 22:19:06 UTC son is a type 1 diabetic.........her blood sugars are going to go high from the drinking and then bottom out. When you say hi? You can have her urinate on a ketone strip to see if she is tired from the booze or the high bg. Even if you get her sugar back down has a lasting effect and peaks in 2 hours. Mix that with the danger of her bg going low from the booze and it is VERY dangerous. I would call her parents AND take her to the hospital to monitor are not overeacting......I know people that have died from this. She can be mad at you later. When she's sober AND alive. Don't risk it. Ask her where her glucagon is and keep it handy untill you get her help.

If you do not take her for help....then you need to stay up with her and check her bg every 30min. I would let her run 200 to be safe.....that's less dangerous than her going too low, and it will leave you a little room in case she bottoms out. Is she on a pump?....What if you give her the wrong dose?.....You really should take her to get medical help......she's not in any state of mind to tell you if she's okay.
2016-05-17 16:03:45 UTC
I'm a 45 year old woman and was recently diagnosed as being a borderline diabetic. My doctor prescribed some medication, but before filling it I decided to do some research on the internet which led me to the methods. After reading this ebook and applying the methods, my scepticism turned to 100% belief. I noticed that my energy levels increased significantly and I felt more rested in the morning, my symptoms started going away.

I am very happy to tell you that I have been feeling better than I have felt in years and my doctor informed me that he will be taking me off my prescriptions if I keep this up.

I recommend you use the Type 2 Diabetes Destroyer to naturally reverse your diabetes.
not yet
2007-03-24 22:12:51 UTC
First of all, try to stay calm and educate yourself a little bit about diabetes. Look at the link several pages, not just the one that pops up.

OK, if she drank without eating, and you gave insulin, she might be having an insulin reaction. Look at the link and you can decide if she needs medical attention ot if she is just sleeping.

Check her pulse. 65-85 beats per minute is a normal range. If her pulse is racing, that's bad.

If you see tremors or trembling, or sweating, that is another symptom of insulin reaction.

A mild insulin reaction can be treated at home by giving food or glucose gel. Orange juice, peanut butter and jelly sandwich are good choices.

If you still see symptoms after she eats a snack, it would not hurt to call for medical help.

If you are unable to wake her to get her to eat, AND she shows several symptoms of insulin reaction from that link, call the EMTs. Better safe than sorry.

Good luck.
2007-03-24 21:56:10 UTC
retest her sugar level 10, 20, and 30 min after giving insilin if it does not go down and she cant tell you what she needs you to do for her or if she becomes unresponsive at any time call 911 or get her to the ER right away also watch to make sure her sugar levels do not fall to low like below 60 if they do get her some OJ with sugar (about a tablespoon in it)
2016-03-29 07:18:03 UTC
Rrrevils is right. A lot of that sugar free stuff is still loaded with carbs. Myself, if I were going to cheat and partake in a sweet treat, I would rather eat something made with the real stuff that will taste good rather than something "sugar free" yet packed with carbs.
2007-03-24 21:58:27 UTC
my self and my husband are both diabetic and many friends we do have drinks but you should never give insulin to anyone if you don't no what your doing . I would call an ambulance and get proper help now to make sure she is alright. you would feel real bad if there was complications and you did nothing
2007-03-25 03:21:24 UTC
Ok Hyperglycaemia - High Blood Sugar is not going to kill her as quickly as Low BSL, but nevertheless get her take her insulin. If sse doesnt get her to Hospital
2007-03-24 21:53:41 UTC
Take her to the hospital. You're not sure what's wrong and she's in no condition to help. There might be something seriously wrong. Better safe than sorry.
2007-03-24 21:53:18 UTC
Call her parents or someone that knows more about it, if you're truly concerned. Why was she drinking in the first place?
2007-03-24 23:34:55 UTC
ok,i dont know much about diabetes, but i do know about achohol. if she is high/ drunk, then make sure she does not fall asleep. also if she does make sure she is on either sides, never back flat because she may throwup and she could choke on it.
Dianna B
2007-03-25 07:21:36 UTC
2007-03-24 21:53:44 UTC
self medication is dangerous call your doctor

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