Several years ago I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic. At the time I had insurance and was under a doctors care. I also had a glucometer to occasionally monitor at home. Over the last year and a half my meter has died, my employer has reduced all of us to part time and cut our insurance. I am now on public assistance for food, but I am not eligible for medicaid because I am to young, have no children and I'm not pregnant or disabled. I barely make rent and utilities. I haven't been able to afford to go to a doctor in about a year. I've had a few of the symptoms that my doctor had told me to watch out for, but no way to monitor my levels. We don't have free clinics here (the nearest is about 200 miles away) and even the lower cost clinic 20 miles away is still too pricey for me.
Looking at the costs for meters and testing supplies is depressing.
Everything I've seen you have to have a prescription to get a free or discounted meter, and since I can't really afford to go to the doctor and don't know if I've even advanced to full on diabetic yet, I don't know if I can even get a prescription for one.
Is there a way to get free meters and supplies without a doctors prescription? I'm not looking for medications, I just need the testing supplies.